To: Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein
Vienna, Spring, 1810

Anderson v1 pg268 - letter #253

       Here is the s[onata] which I promised Therese.  – As I cannot see her today, do give it to her – My best regards to them all.  I am so happy when I am with them.  I feel somehow that the wounds which wicked people have inflicted on my soul could be cured by the Malfattis.  Thank you, kind G[leichenstein], for introducing me to that house – Here are another 50 gulden for the neckcloths.  Let me know if you need more.  You are mistaken in thinking that Gigons only watches out for you.  No, I too have had the good fortune to see him refuse to leave me.  In the evening he has dined beside me and has even accompanied me home – in short, he has afforded me most excellent entertainment; at any rate I could never be above but rather down below – All good wishes.  Love me. 
